Temporary employment agency in Lublin - workers from Ukraine

Collaborating with an employment agency comes with a number of advantages. Many entrepreneursów have already benefited from what temporary work agencies in Lublin offer. This is a big time-saver, support for the business, the ability to achieve business goalsów faster, as well as convenience and minimization of formalities. What else is worth knowing?

Workers from Ukraine Lublin

Who should consider our temporary employment agency in Lublin?

Temporary work usually involves hiring an employee or employeesów for a certain period of time. Most often it involves seasonal work and large projectsów. Considering co-óng with a temporary work agency in Lublin, a company can avoid the lengthy recruitment process and high fees that come with an employment contract. The entrepreneur will not incur the costów of keeping an employee when there is no demand for the work provided.

The company can search for employeesóon its own, but then it has to reckon with the time spent on creating advertisements and interviews. This can put a significant strain on the HR department. Our agency will avoid this. If employees from Ukraine are needed, we are real specialists in finding peopleób with the required qualifications.

Workers from Ukraine in Lublin – we will find any specialist!

There are more and more Ukrainian citizens on the Polish labor market. This is due not only to the geopolitical situation, but also to the fact that Ukrainians have been seeking employment in Poland for a long time. They are considered to be competent and motivated employeesów. Thanks to our knowledge and many years of experience, the ranks of the company can be filled by people who meet specific requirements. Each time we listen to the needs of the company and ensure that all selected candidates have the desired qualifications.

Our employment agency will also take care of all the formalities. We will verify the legality of residency, take care of drawing up documentation, calculating health contributions and drawing up contracts. We will also be the ones to take all the legal responsibility.

Our agency will also take care of all the legal responsibilities.

Where we operate

Through our job portal, you can easily employ workers from Ukraine in any city in Poland, including:

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